To have a “first look” or not on your wedding day is a personal choice that couples should make based on their wedding day preferences and priorities. A “first look” is when the couple chooses to see each other privately before the ceremony and walks down the aisle. This has become increasingly popular for many reasons. We want to offer both some pros and cons to consider when making your decision.

Pros and Cons of a First Look on your wedding day

Pros of Having a First Look on Your Wedding Day

  1. Calm Your Nerves: Seeing your partner before the ceremony can help calm your nerves and alleviate any pre-wedding jitters. This can be especially helpful if you are someone who gets anxious in high-pressure situations.
  2. Great Photos: A first look provides an intimate and emotional moment that your photographer can capture beautifully. This can result in stunning and memorable photos that you’ll cherish for years to come.
  3. More Time for Photos: Seeing each other before the ceremony means that you can take all of your formal photos beforehand, which allows you to spend more time with your guests during the cocktail hour and reception. If you are considering skipping a first look, it is very important to talk to your photographer about your photo timeline and ensure you have time to capture every photo on your wish list. 
  4. Read Vows Privately: If you’ve written personal vows, a first look provides a private moment to read them to each other without any distractions.

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Pros and Cons of a First Look on your wedding day

Cons of Having a First Look

  1. No “First Look” Moment: If you choose to have a first look, you won’t have the traditional moment of seeing each other for the first time as you walk down the aisle. This may be a significant consideration for some couples who value the traditional experience.
  2. Scheduling Challenges: A first look requires careful scheduling to ensure that you have enough time for photos before the ceremony. This can be challenging, especially if you have a large wedding party, early ceremony time, or complex logistics to manage.

Pros and Cons of a First Look on your wedding day

Alternative to Having a First Look

If you want to have an intimate moment with your partner before the ceremony but don’t want to have a first look, consider a “first touch” or exchanging vows privately. These options allow you to have a meaningful moment together without actually seeing each other. 

A first touch involves standing around a corner or a door, and holding hands or hugging without seeing each other. If you plan not to say personal vows publicly, this is a great time to do so in a quiet and intimate setting. This really depends on your personality and what you envision for your day!

To Conclude

Whether or not to have a first look on your wedding day is a personal decision. Consider your priorities as a couple, and decide what is most important to you. If it is a top priority to attend your cocktail hour, then a first look before the ceremony may be the way to go to get all of your photos done.

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Having a First Look: The Pros & Cons

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